NWEA MAP Test Practice: Free Sample Questions - TestPrep-Online (2024)

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|||2nd Grade Sample Questions
3rd Grade Sample Questions |||
4th Grade Sample Questions
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Free MAP Sample Questions

Here you will find examples of the different types of questions you might find on the MAP Growth, across the different subjects, and divided over all of the different grade levels.

Free MAP Kindergarten Sample Question

MAP Practice Test Kindergarten Question

Read the following sentence:

What is the name of your teacher

What sign should come at the end of the sentence?

A. !
B. .
C. ,
D. ?


The correct answer is D (?).​

The sign in answer D is a question mark, which is used to end a question sentence. The sentence above is a question sentence because it starts with the word “what”, which is a question word, followed by a “to be” verb - “is”. ​

Therefore, a question mark should come at the end of this sentence. ​ The sign in answer A is an exclamation mark, which is used to express strong feelings or to show emphasis, so this answer is incorrect. ​The sign in answer B is a period, which is used to end a sentence that makes a statement, so this answer is incorrect.​

The sign in answer C is a comma, which is used to separate different parts of a sentence, so this answer is incorrect.

Full MAP Kindergarten Prep Additional Kindergarten Sample Questions

Free MAP 1st Grade Sample Questions

MAP Practice Test 1st Grade - Math

A teacher asked the students in her class what their favorite foodwas.

Their answers are shown in the following bar graph:

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What is the food that was chosen by the fewest students?

A. Soup
B. Salad
C. Hamburger
D. Pizza
E. Ice cream


The correct answer is (C)

In this bar graph, the height of each bar shows how many students chose the food written at the bottom of the bar. The higher the bar, the greater the number of students who chose this food. The lower the bar, the smaller the number of students who chose this food. The lowest bar in this graph is the bar of the “Hamburger” choice, and therefore, the fewest students chose "hamburger" as their favorite food.

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Free MAP 2nd Grade Sample Questions

MAP Practice Test 2nd Grade - Reading

Read the passage.

Today was a wonderful day. In the morning, all the kids in our school went to help out in the community. One class went to help tidy up the town library, another class went to plant flowers in a public garden, and my class went to help serve lunch in a home for the elderly. When we got back to school, the principle spoke to us and said it's great that we can be a meaningful part of society from an early age.
After school, I went to my friend Jenna's place. She's our neighbor. Her big brother made pizzas for us, and we ate them in a tent they put up in the living room. It was such a fun day.

Which of the following statements is true?

A. All of the kids in the school cleaned the library.
B. The narrator of the story planted flowers.
C. The narrator’s class served food to the elderly.
D. Jenna made pizza after helping out in the community.


The correct answer is (C).
The narrator is the person telling the story, and this person says directly in the third sentence, “...my class went to help serve lunch in a home for the elderly,” so we know that answer (C) is correct. (A) is incorrect because while all of the kids helped out in the community, different ones did different things, and only some of them cleaned the library. (B) is incorrect because the narrator’s group was not the one that went to plant flowers, as the narrator writes, “...another class went to plant flowers...” (D) is incorrect because Jenna did not make the pizza—her brother did—and we do not even know if Jenna went to the school that helped out in the community.

Full MAP 2nd Grade Prep Additional 2nd Grade Sample Questions

Free MAP 3rd Grade Sample Questions

MAP Practice Test 3rd Grade - Math

The diagram shows the top, front, and side views of a solid.

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Which solid could this be?

A. NWEA MAP Test Practice: Free Sample Questions - TestPrep-Online (3)

B. NWEA MAP Test Practice: Free Sample Questions - TestPrep-Online (4)

C. NWEA MAP Test Practice: Free Sample Questions - TestPrep-Online (5)

D. NWEA MAP Test Practice: Free Sample Questions - TestPrep-Online (6)

E. NWEA MAP Test Practice: Free Sample Questions - TestPrep-Online (7)


The correct answer is (B).

The front view, side view, and top view are 2D representations of a 3D solid when viewed from the front, side, or above. Start with one of the views and try to eliminate incorrect answers. The side view shows you how many layers the shape has. This side view is only one square across, so the 3D solid is only one layer deep. Therefore, it cannot be solid (A) or (E).Look at the top view next. You can see how many layers deep the shape has. In this shape, all the cubes lie in one layer when viewed from above. Therefore, it cannot be solid (D), as this is two layers deep. The front view should match the front of the 3D shape in the position it is on the page. You can therefore see that it matches solid (B) and none of the other options left. Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

Full MAP 3rd Grade Prep Additional 3rd Grade Sample Questions

Free MAP 4th Grade Sample Questions

MAP Practice Test 4th Grade - Language Usage

Which of the following is an incomplete sentence?

A. Stephen waited for the bus all morning.
B. After you finally take the English test.
C. The jackal was howling all night.
D. I thought about you yesterday.


The correct answer is (B).

An incomplete sentence does not express a complete thought. It is usually missing a subject or a verb. An incomplete sentence is also called a sentence fragment.
The only incomplete sentence is in answer (B), as it does not express a complete thought. The word "after" usually connects between a dependent clause and an independent clause. In this case, there is only a dependent clause, so the sentence does not express a complete thought. Therefore, the correct answer is (B).

Answers (A), (C), and (D) are incorrect because these are complete sentences, while you were asked to find the incomplete sentence.

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Free MAP 5th Grade Sample Questions

MAP Practice Test 5th Grade - Reading

Read the paragraph.

Peanuts may cause allergic reactions such as itchiness, sneezing, and asthma. The allergy to peanuts causes the immune system to overreact, which is the body’s method of self-defense against potential harm. It is recognized as one of the most severe food allergies because of how common, persistent, and severe the reaction to it can be.

This passage is mainly about:

A. itchiness, sneezing, and asthma.
B. itchiness, sneezing, and asthma
C. Peanut Allergies
D. Why peanut allergies are worse than any other food allergies.


The correct answer is (C).

The main idea sums up the passage. To figure out the main idea of a passage, ask yourself questions like:

  • What is the passage mostly about?
  • What is being said about the topic?

The main idea can sometimes be found by looking at:

  • The first sentence in the passage
  • The last sentence in the passage

This passage discusses peanut allergies and how the human body reacts to them.

Answer (A) is incorrect because itchiness, sneezing, and asthma are only mentioned as allergic reactions to peanuts and are not the main idea of the passage.

Answer (B) is incorrect because the passage does not discuss how the body reacts to severe allergies in general, but only to peanut allergy.

Answer (D) is incorrect because the passage states peanut allergy is recognized as "one of the most severe food allergies," but not that is it the most severe of all food allergies.

Full MAP 5th Grade Prep Additional 5th Grade Sample Questions

Free MAP 6th Grade Sample Questions

MAP Practice Test 6th Grade - Math

Hua was building an elaborate work of art made up of several pieces with precise angles. When measuring one of the crucial pieces seen below, his protractor broke before he could measure the final angle. Luckily, Hua was able to determine on his own the precise measurement.

What was the measurement of the angle?

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A. 23 Degrees
B. 67 Degrees
C. 98 Degrees
D. 113 Degrees
E. 293 Degrees


The correct answer is (D).

Angles in a triangle add to 180 degrees. To find a missing angle in any triangle, find the total of the two angles given and subtract this from 180.

The angles add up to: 25 + 42 = 67 degrees.
To find the remaining angle: 180 – 67 = 113 degrees.

Therefore, the correct answer is (D).

Solving Tip:
The angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees, which is the same amount as the angles in a straight angle. You can see this for yourself by cutting out a triangle from paper, ripping off the three corners, and fitting them together. They will form a straight line. This should help you to remember the sum of angles in a triangle.

See the example:

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Full MAP 6th Grade Prep Additional 6th Grade Sample Questions

Free MAP 7th Grade Sample Questions

MAP Practice Test 7th Grade - Language Usage

Read the sentence. 

A molecule is approximately one million times smaller than a grain of sand. 

Which word is modified by the adjective "smaller"? 

A. molecule
B. is
C. times
D. grain


The correct answer is (A). 

Answer (A) is correct because the adjective "smaller" modifies the noun "molecule." You can figure this out by asking "What is smaller?" It is the molecule that is smaller. 

Answer (B) is incorrect because the adjective "smaller" does not modify the verb "is." An adjective can only modify a noun or pronoun. An adjective cannot modify a verb. 

Answer (C) is incorrect because the adjective "smaller" does not modify the noun "times." It does not tell us anything about "times" in the sentence. Rather, "times" is part of an adverbial phrase - "approximately one million times" - that modifies the adjective "smaller," indicating specifying how much smaller. 

Answer (D) is incorrect because the adjective "smaller" does not modify the noun "grain," as it is not telling us anything about the grain of sand directly. It is the molecule that is said to be "smaller" than the grain, not the grain that is said to be smaller than the molecule.

Full MAP 7th Grade Prep Additional 7th Grade Sample Questions

Free MAP 8th Grade Sample Questions

MAP Practice Test 8th Grade - Reading

Read the following passage from Mark Twain’sTOM SAWYER and answer the corresponding question on the right:

After dinner all the gang turned out to hunt for turtle eggs on the bar. They went about poking sticks into the sand, and when they found a soft place they went down on their knees and dug with their hands. Sometimes they would take fifty or sixty eggs out of one hole. They were perfectly round white things a trifle smaller than an English walnut. They had a famous fried-egg feast that night, and another on Friday morning.

Which of the following literary devices is present in the passage?

There is only ONE correct answer.

A. Imagery
B. Hyperbole
C. Metaphor
D. Allegory


The correct answer is A. Imagery.

Imagery is a literary device used to help the reader better visualize what things look like, and it is accomplished through descriptive language of appearances. The passage uses imagery when it describes the eggs as “perfectly round white things” and states that they are “a trifle smaller than an English walnut.” This indeed helps the reader visualize the eggs as it describes their color and size, painting a vivid image in the mind of the reader.

Option B is incorrect because there is no hyperbole in the passage. Hyperbole is a literary device in which authors exaggerate the truth in order to emphasize something or create a strong impression. Though the words used in hyperbole are not meant to be taken literally, the idea behind the impression they create is accurate. One might get confused and think that the author uses hyperbole when he writes, “Sometimes they would take fifty or sixty eggs out of one hole.” However, there is no reason to believe that this is an exaggeration. It does emphasize that a lot of eggs can be found in one hole, but not through hyperbole. The author seems to be giving an estimate of the actual number of eggs, not emphasizing a point by exaggerating. If it had said that there were a million eggs, that would clearly be an exaggeration because it would be impossible, or at least highly improbable, if understood literally. Since there is no exaggeration, this is not an example of hyperbole.

Option C is incorrect because there are no metaphors in the passage. The eggs are described by comparing their size to that of English walnuts, but this is not a metaphor. A metaphor compares two things by saying figuratively that one thing is the other, such as saying, “That man is a tank,” meaning that he is a powerful force. However, saying that a certain aspect of something is similar or equivalent to that of something else, such as an egg being the same size as a walnut, is not a metaphor.

Option D is incorrect because the passage is not an allegory. An allegory is a literary work or passage that, in addition to its literal meaning, has a deeper level (or levels) of understanding. Each character or event in the work (or anything else found in the story) represents either a different character or event, or some kind of broader idea. For example, an animal that leads its peers could be representing the leader of a country in real life, the jungle they live in could represent the country that he leads, and doves that fly around in the story could represent the idea of peace in that country. This is clearly not taking place in the passage.

Note: If you chose allegory, it is possible that you confused it with the literary device “alliteration.” This is when there are words close together that begin with the same sound. Alliteration is, in fact, used in the passage, with the phrase “famous fried-egg feast.” However, alliteration is not one of the answer choices.

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Free MAP 9th-12th Grade Sample Questions

MAP Practice Test 9th-12th Grade - Math

Inside a box are ten balls of different colors: three yellow, five green, and two red.
Three balls are chosen randomly from the box without replacement.

What is the probability that none of them is yellow?

A. 7÷24
B. 7÷10
C. 343÷1000
D. 14÷72


The correct answer is (A).

  • To solve this question, start by finding the probability that one non-yellow ball is chosen. Then find the probability that a second non-yellow ball chosen from the remaining, and finally the same with a third ball (Note that there is no replacement- a ball that has been chosen is not returning to the box and cannot be chosen again).
  • Since there is a total of 10 balls in the box (3 yellow + 5 green + 2 red = 10) and three yellow balls, the probability to randomly choose a ball that is not yellow is:

7÷10 (number of non-yellow balls ÷ total number of balls)

  • After one (non-yellow) ball is chosen, the box still has 9 balls, 3 of which are yellow. The probability of choosing another ball that is not yellow is:


  • After two non-yellow balls are chosen, the box still has 8 balls, 3 of which are yellow. The probability of choosing another ball that is not yellow is:


  • Finally, multiply all the probabilities you have found together to discover the probability that none of the chosen balls from the box is yellow:


→Therefore, (A) is the correct answer.

MAP Practice Test 9th-12th Grade - Language Usage

Please choose from the options below to complete the following sentence such that it maintains parallel structure.

There may be more than one correct answer.

Max went back to park the car...

A. ...and Sam looked around for the restaurant.
B. ...with Sam sitting next to him.
C. ...and Sam’s job was to go find the restaurant.
D. ...while Sam went looking for the restaurant.
E. ...but Sam went straight to the restaurant.
F. ...and Sam is going forward to the restaurant.


The correct answers are A and E.

Parallel structure is accomplished when identical grammatical structure is applied to adjacent words, phrases, or clauses. This question is dealing with parallelclauses, as it asks you to choose the clauses that are parallel to the first one to complete the sentence. In order for them to be parallel, they need to share the same verb tense and have corresponding words in the subject and the predicate. While the information is different, the structure of the clauses remains identical. Now let’s look at the subject and predicate of the first clause: We have a subject (Max), a verb in past simple (went), followed by an adverb (back), and then there is additional information that is not as crucial because we already have our subject and predicate.

Option A is correct. This answer begins with a conjunction (and) that links the two clauses together, and then in the clause itself, there is a subject (Sam), a verb in past simple (looked), followed by an adverb (around), and then additional information. This follows the same structure as the first clause, so it is correct.

Option E is correct.There is a conjunction (but) that links the two clauses together, then there is the subject (Sam), a verb in past simple (went), followed by an adverb (straight), and then additional information. This follows the same structure as the first clause does, so it is correct.

Option B is incorrect. Following the conjunction (“with”) that links the clauses, there is a subject (“Sam”) like there is in the first clause, but the verb (“sitting”) is inpresent progressive, not past simple, so it is not parallel.

Option C is incorrect. The subject in this version of the end of the sentence is not the person doing the action, but rather his task at hand. (The subject would need to be “Sam” and not “Sam’s job” in order to be parallel.) Additionally, the word describing Max’s action is written in past simple (“went”), while Sam’s action is written as an infinitive (a phrase in which a verb follows the word “to”), stating that his job was “to go find” the restaurant, instead of saying that he “found” the restaurant or “looked” for it. While there is a verb in past simple (“was”) following the subject, this verb is not describing Sam’s action, but rather letting us know what his job was. For these reasons, this version of the sentence is not parallel.

Option D is incorrect. Following the conjunction (“while”), the subject (“Sam”) is parallel, but the verbal phrase (“went looking”) is in past progressive, not past simple (which would be “looked”), so it is not parallel.

Option F is incorrect. Following the conjunction (“and”), the subject (“Sam”) is parallel, but the verb (“going”) is in present progressive, not past simple (which would be “went”), so it is not parallel.

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Practice for the NWEA MAP Growth Test

By preparing for the MAP, you not only improve your scores and allow yourself greater academic opportunities, but this will also advance your position in your own academic growth. Click on the student’s current grade level and gain access to extensive preparation catered to that level, including study guides, quizzes, a full simulation, and explanations for every answer to hundreds of practice questions:

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MAP Online Lessons and Tutoring

In addition to our interactive preparation packages, TestPrep-Online offers live tutoring sessions online with our resident MAP expert. He is a trained educator with a master’s degree in education and years of experience teaching, including preparing for the MAP Growth specifically. He can help pinpoint the areas that need the most work and cater the preparation to the individual student, offering with one-on-one attention to best prepare him or her for the test.

Click here to set up tutoring sessions now!

MAP Growth Test Scores

Scores for the NWEA MAP are reported using the RIT scale (Rasch unIT). The RIT scale is an equal-interval scale, like a ruler with inches. The student will not be graded on the percentage of questions answered correctly but on the level of questioning to which they progress. An RIT score indicates the level of questions that he or she is estimated to answer correctly 50% of the time.

Since all grades are scored according to an objective indication of progress from kindergarten through high school, higher grades will naturally score higher; the same score that is advanced for 3rd grade would be average for 5th grade.This system allows schools and students to measure progress and academic growth from year to year. Read more about how the MAP test is scored and how to interpret your child's progress on ourMAP Scores page.

MAP Guidance for Teachers & Tutors

If you are a teacher or tutor and need to prepare your students for the NWEA MAP test, you can find a lot of helpful information, tips, and special offers on our MAP page for teachersand our Teachers Membership page!

MAP Test Tips

The most important tip is to practice as much as you can, but not more than you can handle. For more detailed and inciteful tips to help you maximize your time and capabilities in preparing for the MAP test, view our MAP Tips page.

You can also Watch this short video to learn everything you need to know about the NWEA MAP Growth + get exclusive MAP tips:

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